Today we had one of our Ignite prayer mornings. Each month we get together as a team and pray for our ministry and other stuff.
Today was particularly good. Nigel spent time teaching our team on the good decisions he had made and some of the not so good. Truth to tell, there was not much in the bad decisions that I could not relate to!
As Christians we know that prayer should underpin all that we do. As I reflect on this thought, I think of all the decisions that I have taken for Ignite, myself and my family in my own strength (or should I say weakness?) without intercession, travailing or even an arrow prayer. I have been a Christian for a long time now. I know prayer is key. I know it's essential. So why is it that I/we often try to live our life without prayer? I try to pray as I go throughout my day. I try to pray at the beginning and the end of the day. Sometimes though I rush around and don't refer to God. Some days I am late up and do not have time to pray, some nights I fall asleep before I have prayed. How rubbish is that?
I paraphrase the apostle Paul when he says why is it I do not do what is good for me and I do what is not good for me?
I guess this is the battle between the flesh and the spirit.
When I was out on tour with Rebecca St James, our bus developed a major fault meaning we could not continue our journey. If this was not resolved we would miss our flight and therefore our next show. What could we do? Well I suggested we pray. What is the theology of praying for a bus? I am not sure but we were out of other options! So pray we did. 15 minutes after our last amen, the bus moved! I went to see what had happened. The bis driver had no idea. One minute the hydraulics were wrecked, the next minute they were repaired, surely this was God at work? I know that is my conclusion!!
Please God help me to be more vigilent, to be more disciplined to be more like you and less like me!