What Happens at Soul Survivor Stays At Soul Survivor - or - By their Fruit you will know Them!

Unknown Much to my surprise, I found my self as the assistant to the assistant cook with the youth group from my church at this year's Soul Survivor.

During one of my frequent chats with City Temple's Youth Pastor, Matt Gregor, I happened to say

"What happens at Soul Survivor stays at Soul Survivor" His profound response was "yes, that's the problem!"

It was a great time and I really enjoyed being with the 55 young people and the other leaders that were there that week.  It is such a wonderful event and such a privilege to see so many people worshiping God. As the week went on it was amazing to see the impact that God had on the lives of many in the group. Their worship became more passionate, they listened to the talks with interest and were anxious to respond to the ministry of the Holy Spirit and to be involved in praying for others.

Images-1However I was challenged one lunchtime when we served up a wonderful platter of fruit. A young woman who had been passionately worshipping God a few moments before headed the queue. Taking a plate she selected for herself 4 slices of melon, enough orange segments to make up 2 whole oranges, 4 or 5 plums and some other ancillary fruit! I suggested to her that it was a little too much in light of the many yet to be served.  Her response was. "I like fruit" Again I challenged her. She looked down the line and said "I'm not bothered". Once more I tried. She looked at me and said "No, you're alright" and went back to her table with a plate piled high with fruit. I was not only speechless, I was disappointed and not a little angry. Later in the week in a similar incident a young man took around 10 pieces of ham thus ensuring we ran out of sandwich filling for those a little further back in the queue. 

This made me think that there seemed to be a journey for many to go on before the impact that God appeared to be having on them personally overflowed into how they dealt with and considered others. This revelation will come as no surprise to any Christian parent who has anxiously awaited their child's return from a Christian camp, event or youth service. As they ask tentatively "how did it go" the likelihood is their progeny will answer with a grunt, "yeah it was ok".  After Soul Survivor most kids come home shattered, throw their washing into the house, mumble hello, head to the shower and spend the next six hours on facebook!

Over 30,000 kids attended Soul Survivor and Momentum alone. This does not include the myriad of other Christian camps that happen across the summer holidays. Just imagine the impact on the world if the passion could be poured out on a needy world, a grateful friend or an amazed parent. 

However, let's not assume this malaise is unique to the young. The same issue is evident amongst the adult church after every Sunday service!

Jesus was aware of this problem. He recognised that it was not the religious experience that made the disciple but their action once they had encountered Him.  "By their fruit you will know them"

Ignite in the Guardian

Unknown Just before my recent trip to Soul Survivor (on which I will write soon) I received a tweet saying "sorry for the piece about Ignite in the Guardian". This was the first I had heard about but tracked it down. Printed below is the article, my thoughts and the comment I made to the paper.

Though he has attracted countless eulogies in the two millenniums subsequent to his expiry, "phat", "sorted", and "wicked" are not adulatory terms traditionally associated with Jesus Christ. This failure on the part of posterity's imagination is, however, to the credit of an institution that has become a fixture of latter-day Christendom: the Christian teen camp. Coming to a town near you this summer, British Christian teen festivals such as Soul Survivor have risen to the call of preaching the gospel in the patois of the Twitter generation, as John Wycliffe was moved to translate scripture into the plebeian tongue. God will be said to be awesome. Jesus will be a diamond geezer. Sin will become minging and preserving one's virginity for the marriage bed, sorted. Though the theological implications of Christ as diamond geezer are for others to ponder, we may at least conclude that the efforts to twitterise the good news have been successful in terms of bums on seats. Tens of thousands of British teens flock to such festivals and they have become an established fixture of the ecclesiastical calendar.


The yoof lingo is, of course, mere window-dressing to the escapades going down at the Christian teen camp. Longhaired Christian guitar heroes thrash out three-chord hymns for the Lord, workshops agonise over whether tattoos and piercings are prohibited by scripture, and middle-aged clergy holler to their charges about the wonders of knowing the Lord. Proceedings finish by a godly hour and the Babylonian substances that lubricate secular teen gatherings are surplus to requirements.

Images All of this is also merely in support of the core raison d'être of the camps. For, in addition to giving today's teen the chance to have good clean fun away from more worldly temptations, the Christian teen camp also aims to bring them to the Lord. This it does in industrial numbers according to the camps. Thousands are said to make decisions for Christ every year. Our prodigal island is slowly brought back to God as he transforms our teens' lives one by one.


To object to such frolics may be to be a killjoy, yet there are two things about Christian teen camps that should give us serious pause for thought. The first is that the evangelical tactics used at such camps are on occasions manipulative. Sermons at such camps often take the form of wild orations that aim to wear down the resistance of the audience to the message. Videos designed to whip up the emotional temperature of the audience are shown, and fervid calls for youngsters to accept Christ are made. This culminates in the centre point of such meetings: the altar call. After having their emotions softened, hypnotic music typically sounds out in subdued lighting as youngsters are urged to come to the front and give their lives to Christ. Giving one's heart to Christ can alas be done in a fit of absence of mind, and many youth ministries therefore have contingency plans. Ignite, a Welsh youth organisation, encourages youngsters to sign a prepared document pledging their allegiance to Christ. Signatories promise to include Jesus in their thoughts, words, and actions and to let the Holy Spirit lead them each day. None of any of this is fair to teens: young people have a right to choose their religious beliefs without being subjected to strategies that emotionally exploit them.


The second objection we should have to the Christian teen camp is that the youth lingo and guitar riffs conceal messages that could be damaging to young people. Whatever the attempts to dress them in the garb of youth culture, many of Christianity's most controversial doctrines are given a full airing at the camps. Youngsters are threatened with divine judgment, and they are initiated into the world of charismatic Christian practices. At Soul Survivor, the largest Christian youth festival in the UK, teens have been told that witch doctors can maim children by cursing them. They have also been informed that God judges us on death for our deeds and thoughts, and they have been encouraged to practise physical healings. Could the real "wicked" in Christian teen camps actually be their effects on teens' emotional wellbeing?


The full article can be found here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2011/aug/11/christian-teen-camps-soul-survivor

My first thought was pleasure that we had made the Guardian! Whilst the tone was not positive, there was no doubt that what was reported about Ignite was true. We do assist young people in framing what it means to be a disciple. I was also flattered that Ignite was in the same article as Soul Survivor. I then felt I should answer the criticism. I have printed below my comment:

One of my twitter friends highlighted this article for me. This was helpful because I am the CEO of Ignite one of the organisations mentioned.

I am always amazed that so many atheists seem to highlight that religion is brain washing whilst their comments and articles are highly value driven. They always appear to suggest that people of faith have "checked their brains at the door" This does a huge disservice not only to the millions whose faith is an intrinsic part of their lives but also the young people Prosser claims to wish to protect.
Let me make it clear I along with all orthodox Christians believe that people have free-will (indeed it is a part of God's design!). Therefore it is not helpful to manipulate people into making a decision they are not wilfully deciding upon for themselves.

Although not a youth organisation, it is true that Ignite does have a six point declaration that assists young people in living he Christian life that they have decided for themselves that they wish to live. You might be interested to know that a significant part of this is to encourage people to have care and compassion for others (loving their neighbours as themselves). For those thousands connected with Ignite this has included undertaking tens of thousands of hours of community kindness and social action in South Wales, building and maintaining a 300 pupil multi-faith school in India, feeding and caring for lepers, sponsoring thousands of children in the 2 thirds world, assisting the rebuilding of Liberia and Sierra Leone after civil war (including the care of many ex-child soldiers) the building of a children's home and providing teams of street pastors onto the streets of the capital every weekend for the last 3 years.

We are open and clear in our values, as are Soul Survivor, believing that young people have a spiritual dynamic that they have the right to explore for themselves without being abused by their fellow human beings. I am about to leave for Soul Survivor where I will join 11,000+ others all of whom have decided for themselves to attend (and even paid for the privilege). Here they will listen, debate, dialogue and make decisions for themselves, long may it continue.

For people of no faith, I defend your right to your decision and respect you as a human being. My plea is that you will offer the same respect not only to me but also the thousands of young people who are having a great time at Christian events this summer.

All press is good press? You decide!

Riots in England - A Rational Response

In trying to understand the reasons behind the recent riots in England, the pundits have rallied behind two main arguments. At one end of the spectrum, they are all thugs and thieves out to get new trainers and ipods. At the other they are a disadvantaged that are demonstrating their frustrations. The problem with these extremes is that it is then very easy to play the blame game. If they are just criminals then it is because they have no parental guidance if they are a social underclass it is the governments fault. What if it is more complex than that, what if it is a combination of reasons? Some of the most damning and condemning arguments on facebook have been posted by Christians and that makes me sad and also question whether Jesus was in the blame game? It seems to me that He was on the side of the marginalised and the underclass. His wrath was reserved for the pious, the religious and those in authority.

To be clear, criminal damage is criminal damage. Robbery is unacceptable, violence is not the answer but the church needs to assist. It needs to be offering moral guidance and assistance to those who are crying out for help, for father figures and for authority.

The best response I have heard was a few broadcast a few days on Sky News. This guy understands the wide ranging issues, condemns where it needs to be condemned but offers hope to this broken society. Great work!


From Beach Hut to Palace

Unknown I arrived in my office the other day to find a copy of this book, along with two or three others in the middle of my desk. I immediately picked it out and put in my bag for the following days train journey.

I have known James since he was based in Cardiff. Being both passionate about youth ministry our paths crossed from time to time but perhaps not as often as we would now both would have wanted! Ironically, through the benefits of the digital age and the occasional visit we have developed more of a relationship in the last few years since he moved to Stoke although his last few months in Cardiff we developed a transparency that I cherished.

Back to the book! This was a fascinating read for me partly because I was aware of the stuff that made the move necessary. This is the first great thing about it. James takes no time to settle old scores or dig up the painful past and I am sure that was the right move.

What is clear when you meet James and as you open this book is that he loves Jesus. Everything else pours out of that. His passion is then focussed on his family, his church, his city and basically anything else he spends time doing, whether its watching football, playing golf or eating curry! This Holy Spirit shaped enthusiasm pours from every page. Anyone, other than the most cynical reader, will find this style infectious. 

Images Having served a long apprenticeship, James Galloway approached leading his first church not only with gusto but with a series of what appear to be God-given strategies which he lays bare in this easy read. His chapters on the 7 cultural pillars that define Breathe City Church are worth the purchase price alone. His insight into the spiritual battles that exist in most churches and the role of men in developing real, sustainable growth should be lesson 101 for all newly appointed Senior Pastors. He does not hide from some of the difficulties involved in repurposing a traditional church and you can sense the wounds that have been inflicted on this most resilient of warriors. Personally, I would have appreciated to hear about some of the mistakes he felt he made in the three and half year journey. This might sound a strange request but in the Selwyn Hughes autobiography: My Story, This great man of God shares some of his regrets. This is so helpful for the leader who is at the coal face each and every day to see that you that God will still work with you even when you sometimes blow it!

I picked up the book on the train yesterday. By the time I got back to my house early last night, it was finished. Its a challenging, easy read, dripping with practical advice that I strongly recommend. Thursday morning it was pristine. Thursday night it was dog eared, covered in highlighted sections with more than its fair share of biro in the margins and tough questions scrawled at the end of the chapters. I can pay the book no finer compliment. BOOM!

The Earth is the Lord's and Everything In it.

Images Psalm 24 verse 1 says: The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it

It's another typical British bank holiday. It's cold and it's wet. Sat this morning drinking some much needed coffee. I looked out of the window into our garden. There were wood pigeons, rooks, sparrows, blue tits, great tits & a blackbird. Momentarily distracted by an incoming text, it was Lesley that encouraged me to look again. There by the nut feeder was a woodpecker. 

It's strange, I have never been a bird watcher or any sort of keen naturalist (save for the badge I got in the Boy's Brigade!) but its amazing the pleasure I got from that infrequent garden visitor. What is it that suddenly has awakened this within me? The desire for birds in the garden, the pleasure from looking at wonderful cottage flowers, the increasing obsession with trying to grow different types of vegetables. fruits and herbs. But isn't it supposed to be like this? Weren't we meant to tend the garden? Isn't that the oldest story?

Made in His image, His plan was for us to live at one with nature. Higher than all other created things, God gave us dominion over it?

“I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.”  Genesis 1:29

Images-1 When God created the earth and everything in it. He said "it is good" As His image bearer we should not be surprised that when we see the bee hovering above the lobelia, the butterfly teasing the hair or the first sign of life in the vegetable patch, that our spirits leaps. This is who God created me to be.

I am about to leave the house, get in my car, drive along the busy bank holiday motorway, probably struggle to park, rub shoulders with many others and their lies the challenge. Will I continue to recognise the fingerprint of the creator on those that cut me up, knock me and just irrationally irritate me? Yes it is the challenge and I have determined to stand on this truth:

"The Earth is the Lord's & Everything in it!"

Is the World Due to End?

Unknown The internet is buzzing at the moment with the prediction that the world is due to end on Saturday, May 21st 2011.

To be honest, I could do with knowing because I have got a lot on at the moment & if I do not need to prepare a sermon for Sunday, that would really help. Also, I want to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean film, heck I've not seen the King's Speech yet. Also I am about to pay my Amex bill, should I bother....it would put a real spanner in the works for me!


Many of you will remember similar predictions. The fact you are still reading this proves that they were unfounded. So what is the source of the latest predictions? Step forward Harold Camping.

Images-1 Rev Camping is the leader of Family Radio who are spearheading this information through their global radio platform and the internet.  Now he has some form when it comes to this type of activity. In 

It is interesting to consider why this might be creating such a stir. Picture the scene..... It's Sept. 6, 1994, dozens of Camping's followers are Bibles open, kids dressed in their best clothes . They have been waiting for this moment for 2 years. The are convinced that this will be the day that Christ returns. Of course he did not. I do not wish to be mocking, BUT....really, imagine it. Who was the first one to look at his watch and go "Harry mate, he ain't coming" ?

How did the parents explain that to the kids? Do you think that everyone had to go home and do all the jobs they had considered a waste of time? Washing the dishes, mowing the lawn, having a shower? Apparently Camping returned to his bible, his calculator and books and started again. So there it is May 21st 2011.

It is interesting to think why this has had the impact on the mainstream press in the USA and worldwide on the internet. maybe its because the media views any religious eccentrics to be fair game. Maybe they are but there are vunerable people who are even now terrified about Saturday or making stupid decisions based on this prediction. Perhaps its because evangelical Christians do believe in Christ's return and anyone who has inside knowledge is worth listening to? Over the years European_roulette Years ago I spoke to a  guy who gambled money on roulette. He told me about a system he  had and he truly believed it worked. He wasn't crazy. He was the major share holder of a multi-million pound group of companies. Yet somehow despite over whelming evidence and the reality that the game was totally a game of chance, he suspended his common sense and invested in his crazy scheme. You will not be surprised to know he did not bankrupt and casino and he remained welcome at every casino in London. A sure bet that he was a great customer and that he gave them more money than they gave him! My point is this. Even though most sensible Christians will be aware that we do not know, it is like we are attracted to any outside chance that we might get an insight into the mind of God. Well let me be clear where I stand on this, the only thing that I really care about when it comes to this stuff is the word.  One of the last things Jesus said to His disciples before He ascended to heaven was “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. " (Acts 1:7) Indeed could he be anymore explicit than when He said “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" (Matthew 24:36).So it is clear WE DO NOT KNOW! For a great article on this read Lee Grady

I am will Bill Johnson when I say that I am praying that Jesus would tarry for a while because how much would you have to hate people who are not yet Christians to be petitioning Jesus to come back soon? 

Unknown-1 So as for me and my house we will keep serving God until He returns or we die. It will be His decision which comes sooner.

I have to go now because I have to prepare my sermon for Sunday, pirates can wait until next week when the crowds have gone and I think I'll ask Lesley to get me the King's Speech for my birthday in June !

IgniteHope Local - Flash Mob

 IgniteHope Local This weekend we are on a mission entitled IgniteHope Local. It's a mission dedicated to raising the spiritual temperature of the city through encouraging more young people to take the gospel through words and deeds and do it together. Hundreds were involved across South Wales. One of the highlights was a flashmob we did in the Cardiff City Centre. I captured it on my flip camera. In the days to come better versions will become available but this will give you a taste!