Spooks and Extras
My Commitment as a Christian

Walk The Line

Walkthelinedvd_poster2 Today I watched the movie "Walk The Line"What a brilliant film. It starred Joaquin Phoenix who plays a highly convincing Johnny Cash and Reece Witherspoon in the oscar winning role of June Carter Cash. Johnny Cash was raised by Christian parents, brought up in the church and started his career singing gospel songs. His faith never left him. His Christian life was the line he walked. During his life he waiverd from that line many times, sometimes quite spectacularly. He had problems with alcohol, drugs, spent time in prison, had extra marital affairs and much more.

We all walk the line and truth to tell we all waiver, I know I do! Whilst I can honestly say that drugs, drink, extra marital affairs and prison terms have not featured highly in my list of issues, there are times when I blow it. I do things that I would not want put up on a cinema screen or feature on a dvd. We all walk the line and I guess the secret is to ensure as we walk along the tightrope we need to keep our eyes upon Jesus.

(By the way I watched half of Romance and Cigarettes, it was rubbish!


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