
Splintered Messiah-An Easter Meditation


When we first started Big Ideas, we were honoured to to have poet and broadcaster Stewart Henderson on our council of reference. As I considered our image of Jesus, I thought that sometimes we are guilty of wanting to him to fit into our image rather than us trying to be more like him. Stewart's poem illustrates this very well. What do you think?

Splintered Messiah
I don’t want a splintered Messiah
In a sweat stained greasy grey robe
I want a new one
I couldn’t take this one to parties
People would say ‘Who’s your friend?’
I’d give an embarrassed giggle and change the subject.
If I took him home
I’d have to bandage his hands
The neighbours would think he’s a football hooligan
I don’t want his cross in the hall
It doesn’t go with the wallpaper
I don’t want him standing there
Like a sad ballet dancer with holes in his tights
I want a different Messiah
Streamlined and inoffensive
I want one from a catalogue
Who’s as quiet as a monastery
I want a package tour Messiah
Not one who takes me to Golgotha
I want a King of Kings
With blow waves in his hair
I don’t want the true Christ
I want a false one.

Stewart Henderson



May you experience the hope that lives in faith

And the joy of a spirit filled life

Joyous Easter blessings to one and all.


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