Band of Brothers 2
Last night I went along to a men's meeting organised by a bunch of guys from my church. Although numbers were down there was probably still 30 blokes all committed to being real with each other. Believing the best, prepared for the worst with a total commitment to Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives. The bible is clear about the value of such a gathering. Psalm 133:1 says "How good it is when bothers live together in unity"
Yesterday, Gerit Bantjes, who as well as being a member of the group is also a an expert in nutrition and exercise talked with is about making positive changes to our lives styles. To be fair there were few men in there, myself included, who not need to lose a few pounds!
We have seen guys fall before and, alas, I think we will again but what can I do to ensure it's not me or any of my mates? Well set-ups like Band of Brothers surely help.
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Posted by: Elias | 13/03/2010 at 04:53 AM
As we see high profile Christians fall we need to get hold of the fact that we were born to live in community, in family, in church. Where life can be lived out with accountability.
Posted by: supra skate shoes | 06/11/2010 at 09:17 AM