Leadership musings 4
Billy Graham - The Greatest Evangelist of this generation

Good to Great

Images-1 There are many great concepts and quotes in the book by Jim Collins "Good to Great". One the I particulary like and I find quite challenging is: "Greatness is not a matter of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is a matter of conscious choice"

He also talks about the fact that good is the enemy of great. Meaning that organisations do not achieve greatness as a result of planning to be good.

Images-1  This is a concept I am familiar with having read the book "How to be brilliant" by my old mate Michael Heppell.

The book by Collins is definitely interesting, particularly has also published an accompanying book. "Good to Great in Social Sectors - Why business thinking is NOT the answer"

I am sure thinking from this book will feature in future blogs.....


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