Leisure V Laziness
Firstly, Happy New Year. This is my first blog of 2009.
Having just had a relatively long Christmas/New Year break I have been reflecting on when leisure time becomes sloth and laziness. The reason for the blog is that I am still not sure where the line is drawn.
Technology means that work in now never far away from relaxation. I have a cellphone, most people have my number and it is switched on 24/7. Additionally, as it is an iphone I can now receive email just about all the time. Also with its web browser I can also surf the web whenever i want. The reality of this is that office hours are not that important. I can work whenever and wherever I want. The problem with this is that sometimes you can get in a cycle where you are constantly working with very little relaxation. We know that God ordained rest at the beginning of time and therefore if we are to be obedient to HIm we need to find time to relax.
In 2008 I got married. I also decided that I was going to watch less tv. This has been significant. I do not sit in front of the television and flick around to see if there is anything on. In other words I make appointments to watch tv. So if there is a programme I like such as Dragon's Den, the Apprentice or Kitchen Nighmares I try to remember to watch it. I have started to use BBC i player to catch up on some missed programmes.
With social networking such as facebook, msn, twitter etc. there is the possibility of the blurring of work and leisure and I think this is where the lines become more fuzzy. Should you only respond to "real" friends, what about work colleagues and clients. Where does work end/leisure begin and visa versa? However, I think for me this tension is healthier when it comes from a place of trying to justify work as leisure rather the other way around! This maybe just my protestant work ethic but I am conscious that I do not want to become lazy.
However, I have found something that is very relaxing and it is a tv programme. Lesley has got me into watch Seinfeld.