Obama Inauguration
Tuesday, January 20th is an historic day. Today the USA inaugurates its first black president. This is an amazing turn of events. In a country where black people have memories and even experience of oppression and segregation. Where slavery was not only allowed but even today by some celebrated. Where arguably the greatest leader of the civil rights movement, Dr Martin Luther King Jr was not only prophetic but also assassinated in this country, democracy remarkably elects an black leader.
Today during my quiet time I have been looking at Freedom in Christ the apostle Paul writes about to the the Galatian church (Galatians 5) It seems that at that time there where "spies" within the church suggested a return to the legalism of the old covenant. Paul encourages them by saying:
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened by a yoke of slavery"
His point is clear that we can not be justified by the law but only by his grace. Indeed the more we chase after legalism, the more we move away from Christ. I love the thing that the only thing that he says that the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Whilst we know we cannot be justified by our works there is still a requirement that the outpouring of his love for us that we have faith should result in us outpouring love for others.
The freedom from legalism is indeed a freedom from slavery but it is what we are freed into that is so much more exciting.
Let's pray for President Obama that he experiences not just the awesome honour and responsibility of the office but also the freedom of Christ