Opening an Ignite Church in India
A Visit to A Leprosy Colony

A Preaching trip to "Sin" Hills

A couple of days ago Nigel, Prasad and I along with a couple of pastors travelled almost 4 hours outside of Rajahmundry by Jeep, motorbike, boat and on foot to a church full of people who have never seen "white" people before. Most of the men where out fishing but the church was still nearly full.

 After that we headed off to another church but the people had left as we were over 3 hours late (who could blame them!). The church was now full of kids so my talk was quickly switched for a kids talk. The next church was meeting in the front room of a house. As I got up to preach I looked out of the window just as a man left the house opposite. He proceeded to take off his clothes and bathe in the street! It was an interesting distraction as I shared with the people the story of the paralysed man brought to Jesus by his friends!

It is a privilege to be here, the people are so open to the gospel and Prasad and his family are so hospitable. The film should give you a flavour of the day.


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