Leadership musings 4
Leaders are Dreamers
Leaders are Dreamers
Lee Grady has been in Wales as part of the speaking team at Impact The Nations conference organised by my good mate Carl Brettle. On Sunday he ministered in City Temple and last night spoke at Band of Brothers (See earlier Blogs). Speaking on the subject "3 Secret Key to loving you wife more" by announcing his theme the previous day in church, he was guaranteed a good turn out as wives encouraged husbands to attend.
Thousands have books have
been written about time management. The truth is we cannot manage time. It is
impossible. Everyone on the planet has 24 hours per day. There are 60 minutes
within each hour and 60 seconds within each minute. These facts are universal.
The thing that we can manage is the how we manage OURSELVES within this time.
Being time efficient is one
of the key challenges for the effective leader. There is so many distractions
from the tasks in hand. It can be television, the internet, idle conversation,
Facebook, Myspace….you fill in the blanks. The reality is that time is a
precious resource and should be treated as such. I write this not as an expert
but someone who is aware of the battle for this commodity. I need to deliver on
the things I have promised, to God, to my family, to my ministry, my co-workers
and my friends. All of them deserve quality time.
Recently, I have been very
intentional in the time I am giving to the people who are working on projects
in Ignite. This appears to be very affective not only in keeping me informed
but also in them feeling affirmed and encouraged. Additionally we are
developing a deeper connectivity.
Musing on this is encouraging
me to use my time even more effectively
Until the next time……
So many of our structures are top down putting us at the top of the pile. In Ignite our structure is presented horizontally. This is intended to make a statement that all are valued in the team. We are all part of one body. In the plans and purposes of God, the guy who designs the website is as important as the chief executive. The challenges for the leader with a desire not only to serve God but also his colleagues (Matt 26: 36-40) are how to be a servant leader? How does one display this servant-hood? In addition how to one exercise the God given called to lead and not get bogged down in doing jobs that are not his/her calling? These decisions are not easy. If we accept the leaders are similar to the position of Elder then there is presicident for being set aside for specific tasks whilst some of co-workers might be called to other functional roles.
My view is dynamic leadership means that these questions need to be frequently asked and the answers wrestled with.
I have been considering some of the attributes of a good leader. The postings under the title "musings on Leadership" that I post in the coming weeks will explore my thinking further.
Resist Worldly Trappings
Not everyone is called to
lead but ALL are called to serve. That includes leaders. Sometimes we can
forget this and expect everyone to serve us. Every worker is worthy of his hire
but we need to be able to justify our salary and benefits package.
It might
even mean standing against those that want to serve us that inadvertently
encourage into positions of exalted grandness and inappropriate use of power.
What I mean by this is the people who would exalt us to a level where we are
the objects of their worship! They might ensure that nobody can speak with us.
Their desire to put us on a pedestal is so great that they control access to
our “inner-courts.” This may be the way of the world but it is not the way of our
ultimate role model, Jesus came to serve not to be served. He chose to ride on
a donkey not a grand horse, he had no permanent address, no great wealth and as
people sought to give him status pointed to people to His father.
We can learn something of this as when we are tempted to chase the trappings that the world offers leaders. We serve a king who leads an upside down kingdom.
Jesus had time for people and
so should we. We need to be available to people. Whilst it is essential that we
take and are given time to pray, study, think and plan, it is also essential
that we are not alone in an ivory tower. We need to be connected to those we
seek to serve and certainly to the team that we lead. In my organisation, I run
a “door open” policy. That is for most of the day my door is open. People know
that they can come in and see me, ask questions and share things when my door
is open.
This is because I want to be available to people. I am there to offer
advice, encouragement and direction. Conversely, if I am in a meeting, am on a
vital phone call or just need some solitude, then my door is closed and I only
expect to be interrupted if the issue is urgent.
Sometimes we need to realise the interruption is our work!
Last night I went along to a men's meeting organised by a bunch of guys from my church. Although numbers were down there was probably still 30 blokes all committed to being real with each other. Believing the best, prepared for the worst with a total commitment to Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives. The bible is clear about the value of such a gathering. Psalm 133:1 says "How good it is when bothers live together in unity"
In response to the spate of suicides in South Wales, we have produced this film. Please watch this and then spread it to as many people as possible!
This a test update using my new iPhone. I'm thinking this is pretty cool!
Yesterday was a good day. In the morning we attended City Temple, Cardiff. The presence of God was awesome as we were lead in worship by Richard Lewis