Delirious? Split Up- The end of an Era
See below the official press release and then my comments.
I have known Delirious? for many years. I was responsible for booking them to play at The Alliance Festival back in the day, then an event on held on the site of The Virgin Festival in Chelmsford. There is no doubt that they took Christian music in the UK to a different level and many benefitted. The band I manage, Superhero, have supported them countless times and I was in a meeting with my mate, Dave Smallbone when we were trying to discern whether Rebecca St James should do a co-headlining tour with them.
To be honest, I never got to know them well. I used to chat regularly with Stu Smee and Tim Jupp is a genuinely lovely man who has real heart and vision. To be fair my connecting with Martin, Stu G and jon Thatcher was minimal. In the early days when Superhero signed to their label we hoped that the D boys would seek to mentor them but that never happened. We just co-existed in a similar world with the occasional connection.
Things are born, live and die. In this respect groups are no different. Often endings are painful and difficult. How we handle them will affect how we move on. In relationships when we lose someone we love suddenly we can feel confused, sad, angry...all before we acknowledge that what we had was special and unique and that it added so much to the richness of our lives. When a bunch of guys have hung out, lived, played, ministered and run a corporation together. All the same rules apply. With an 18 month "ending" it is possible to finish well. Where everyone can be in a positive place as they play the last note together. I pray that this will be the case. Their ministry has been incredible. God has used them to take his word and worship to the ends of the earth. Ultimately what their legacy is, will be out of their hands but how they handle their relationships will be one that they will be accountable for.
This is a sobering thought for all of us. What are our endings like. What is the state of our relationships. Sometimes this stuff his hard but Jesus never promised us an easy ride.
The end of an era? Yes! The beginning of a new adventure? I do hope so
The Coffee Revolution
About a month ago I was banned from driving my car. It was a simple mistake. Rushing between meetings I was caught on speed camera travelling 40mph in a 30mph zone. The result a further three points. This made me a "totter" and I have lost my licence for 6 months!
Of course this means finding different ways of getting around. So the first decision every day is do I get a lift in to work, ride my bike (an experience not encountered for 30 years!) or get the train
These journeys are giving me different experiences and different perspectives. I see things I would not normally see from the comfort of my car.
In the last few weeks, Lesley and I have been leading a group on churches Alpha Course.
In addition I have been beginning pre-production on a short film on the subject of Love. The connection is in both situations, I have been challenged by a statement someone has made about their understanding of the Christian faith. Being a little further down the road than them I have been aware that what they have said has been unbiblical. The dilemma has been, when should I correct them and when should I leave them to discover truth for themselves? For anyone who loves to teach and to educate formally or, as is often the case for me, informally, this is a constant challenge. I have no issue with the fact that there are ultimate truths. My sentiments are much more with St Thomas quinas
who had a general philosophy, like the X files, that the truth is out there. It is actual not relative as the post-modernist suggest. However sometimes the journey that people are on means their interpretation of what they think is true is based on their perspective at that moment.
Sometimes it is the educators job to accompany them on their journey and help them see things from a different perspective. Other times it will be to change the course of their journey in order to help them see a different perspective. Of course the last option is the easiest because for the educator/teacher/philospher because s/he is on control of the journey. However, sometimes it will be better to be more beneficial to take the harder course. This for some is the road less travelled.
The decision of which road to take I think often goes beyond common sense and requires God's guidance. The good news is, He is there for us as we seek to illuminate Him
Stop the Suicides
Just recently in South Wales there has been a spate of teenage suicides. This tragic loss of life has been recognised by the UK press and has focussed on the town of Bridgend. In truth the problem has been more wide spread than this and despite all attempts to sensationalise the story, there are no obvious links. It is not a facebook/bebo thing, it not a pact or cult. However, what it is, is the work of the devil. I say this not to sensationalise it but to point out what is clear, this is a strategy of the enemy. Well I for one want to say. NO MORE!
Some people at my church are organising a day of prayer and fasting on Wednesday. If you want to formally register, then sign-up on facebook here:
In any event. Pray and fast (from food, tv, the internet, car use.....whatever will focus you.) Pray to God and and stand against the enemy. No more suicides in South Wales!
Servant Leadership
Today I am working at home. To be honest it started as a way of not riding my bike to the office in the rain! I have been committed to using the day productively so began to develop more of the programme for the leadership day I am running for New Wine Cymru and what used to be known as the Flames of Fire conference ( The purpose of the day is to prepare the young leadership team for the hectic week in August.
I have been thinking about the sort of leaders we need for this task The starting place has to be in the Bible.
Jesus taught he disciples this: "You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."(Mark 10:42-45)
So, therefore it must be for us. We must be servant leaders. Approaching each person and task with the attitude,"how can I serve you?"
Our primary approach should not be to select people based on the knowledge and skills can you offer as a leader rather what is your attitude? Is it to serve or be served? In reality if our first question is how can I serve then it is possible that the call might come to take the responsibility of leadership. This is a much healthier approach than one which suggests "I am a leader not what and who can I lead!"
A lot of the great modern thinkers on this subject have been encouraged and developed by the Greenleaf Center for Servant-Leadership develpoped by Robert K. Greenleaf. (1904-1990)
Greenleaf after a career and AT & T believed that there was a problem with authoritarian leadership and he was right. After retirement he lectured widely on the subject and eventually committed his thinking to his seminal book, Servant Leadership. He also founded the greenleaf institute of leadership of servant leadership. Its current CEO is Kent M. Keith. He is a Christian and as a 19 year old he wrote the paradoxical commandments. They were later published in a book called "Anyway"
The Paradoxical Commandments
by Dr. Kent M. Keith
People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.
© Copyright Kent M. Keith 1968, renewed 2001
What do you think are the essential attributes of a leader?
Bruce Springsteen at the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff
It was 7th July 1985 at Roundhay Park Leeds that I first saw Bruce Springsteen in Concert. It was part of the "Born In the USA tour and he was on amazing form. In fact if you watch the live video of "Born to Run" and you knew where to look at the right time, you might see me in the audience. Next time out was the in 1988 on "The Tunnel of Love" tour. This was September 7th 1988. It was a good concert but not a patch on the one before. He even did "Born to Run" Acoustically. what's all that about? So hearing he would be playing in the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff, I knew I would buy a ticket but would he be any good?
Well I need not have worried. He was on Sparkling form. Lesley was disappointed there was no place in the set for "Dancing in the Dark" or "Jersey Girl" but for me all the big songs we there. Highlights included "Because the night" with a blistering guitar solo from Nils Lofgren and "Jungleland" with the beautiful sax playing of Clarence Clemons. The full set list was:
From Small Things (Big Things One Day Come)
Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
Radio Nowhere
No Surrender
Lonesome Day
The Promised Land
Blinded By The Light
Atlantic City
The River
Gypsy Biker
Darlington County
Because The Night
She's The One
Livin' In The Future
Mary's Place
Working On The Highway
Devil's Arcade
The Rising
Last To Die
Long Walk Home
Thunder Road
Born To Run
American Land
Jesus was an only son
As he walked up Calvary Hill
His mother Mary walking beside him
In the path where his blood spilled
Jesus was an only son
In the hills of Nazareth
As he lay reading the Psalms of David
At his mother's feet
A mother prays, "Sleep tight, my child, sleep well
For I'll be at your side
That no shadow, no darkness, no tolling bell,
Shall pierce your dreams this night."
In the garden at Gethsemane
He prayed for the life he'd never live,
He beseeched his Heavenly Father to remove
The cup of death from his lips
Now there's a loss that can never be replaced,
A destination that can never be reached,
A light you'll never find in another's face,
A sea whose distance cannot be breached
Well Jesus kissed his mother's hands
Whispered, "Mother, still your tears,
For remember the soul of the universe
Willed a world and it appeared."
As he walked up Calvary Hill
His mother Mary walking beside him
In the path where his blood spilled
Jesus was an only son
In the hills of Nazareth
As he lay reading the Psalms of David
At his mother's feet
A mother prays, "Sleep tight, my child, sleep well
For I'll be at your side
That no shadow, no darkness, no tolling bell,
Shall pierce your dreams this night."
In the garden at Gethsemane
He prayed for the life he'd never live,
He beseeched his Heavenly Father to remove
The cup of death from his lips
Now there's a loss that can never be replaced,
A destination that can never be reached,
A light you'll never find in another's face,
A sea whose distance cannot be breached
Well Jesus kissed his mother's hands
Whispered, "Mother, still your tears,
For remember the soul of the universe
Willed a world and it appeared."
(Jesus was an only son be Bruce Springsteen)
Will I be there on the next tour? You can bet on it!
Developing Leaders
One of our priorities at Ignite ( is to develop leaders, particularly young leaders. We run a Leadership Academy and we prioritise having young people as interns in the organisation. In recent weeks we have appointed Chloe Roberts as our new Training Manager. At 26, she will bring a dynamism to this role. She will work to develop the academy, Inspire, Offensive and the training of our interns. This an exciting time for the organisation and I am delighted she is joining us. Leadership is a subject that has fascinated me for quite a while now. I think it is the subject that I read about most and along with being a man of God, a good dad and a good husband occupies a lot of my thinking. This is probably because I am confronted with the reality of it on a daily basis. Being the Executive Director is both a privilege and a huge responsibility. I know some days I have a good day and some days a lousy day. Simply my aim must be to have more good days this week than I had last week! I am currently reading "Developing the Leaders Around You" by John Maxwell.
He has a great gift of making this subject very readable and achievable. One quote of his that I know to be true is this: "A person can impress potential leaders from a distance, but only from close up can he impact them". Of course this a double edged sword. The impact you have can either be positive or negative depending on the values, commitment and integrity that you bring to the relationship. There is no doubt about it, there is no substitute to investing quality time in to developing leaders and for that matter developing relationships. Also there is personal example. By being committed to being the best leader there is potential to inspire others to greatness. Roger Bannister achieved what all the experts said was impossible. He ran a mile in under 4 minutes. He believed it was possible and he committed himself to doing it. He was the first but now, any decent mile runner can beat the 4 minute barrier. The reason for this is simple. He initially raised the bar but in doing so, he set the standard by which other runners would be measured. What is the standard I want to set as a leader?
On Being 46!
Yesterday was my birthday. I was 46. Now truth to tell, I don't feel 46 on the inside and its not for me to judge whether I look 46 on the outside....but I suspect I do! Birthdays are not a time for getting depressed or having a pity party, they are about new years and new opportunities. Much of it is dependent on your perspective. are you a glass half full or glass half empty person? Now I think I am most often a half full sort of a person. This is generally a good desposition, particularly at the moment! On Friday I lost my drivers licence. I am officially known as a "totter" because I have collected 12 speeding points. No amount of persuasion in the court could disuade the magistrate from giving me a 6 month ban. So I can respond being very depressed or I can work out how to organise my life a s a none driver.In the book of 1 Kings, Elijah takes on the prophets of Baal and sees God move in a spectacular fashion as he calls down fire from heaven. He then slaughtered the heathen worshippers. What was he response to this most powerful display of God's awesome power. Did he do a victory lap, head towards the palace to sort out queen Jezebel. No! He makes a run for it. He throws a pity party and asks God to let him die. It is almost as if he is a manic depressive or a least has a spectacularly poor memory. If God is so for him how can he be scared so much that he runs for over 40 days? We know that God is a rescuing God, the ultimate forgiving father, the shepherd that searches for the lost sheep. However, how about intentionally deciding that God is not going to have to keep chasing after you? How about deciding that God is not going have to remind you "I am still here." How about deciding that whatever Satan throws against , your response will be to look the deceiver square in the face and say "I'm still here!" I think that will really annoy him, and I love to annoy him!So I have decided that in my 47th year on this earth "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15
More Wise Words
Continuing the ongoing search for Wisdom. How about these gems?
"Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservations."
Elton Trueblood
"Vision looks upward and becomes faith." Stephen S. Wise
comment and add your own!