The Shack - It is Finished
National prayer breakfast for Wales

The Shack and Bill Johnson

Firstly, let me say the two items in the title are not connected, or at least not in my mind.

In the last few days I have come to this shocking conclusion....It is not a sin not to enjoy The Shack! As readers of my blog will know I was encouraged by many people to read, what had been for them, a life changing book. I dutifully did and it did nothing for me. This simple statement has produced a level of out rage greater than the shocking revelation that some Christians, myself included, read and enjoyed the Harry Potter books! Images I was surprised that as I admitted to the fact the Shack wasn't the best book I had read, friends immediately challenged me "Why not?" So I would say something like
- I found it a bit boring
- I did not think it was that well written
- The characters were not very gripping
- I found the depiction of the trinity weird
- I found the depiction of the trinity disturbing
- It sent me to sleep
- The theology was suspect
etc etc

In most cases the thing that the advocates picked up on was the criticism of the theology. Always my last point. The argument being that it is a novel, it does not claim the be theology. I totally agree with this. I have many novels that have dodgy theology. Interestingly none have been recommended by my Christian friends, Christian authors, churches or recording artists. The conversation then continues down one of two roots. I move them back to my first point. Where they asked me why. This is a great question and one that challenged me as I answered it. OR they would say. What is wrong with the theology? Generally, I picked one of two issues. Firstly, I would point out that one of the 10 commandments is that we should not make a graven image of God. We would be offended if a non-Christian potrayed God in wood or stone but somehow it is ok for a Christian novel to portray Him as a black woman in the manner of Whopee Goldberg! Some even then went on to say. "How do you know God is not like that?'!!!! Tbe second issue I might mention is when Jesus says to Mack that he never came so people would imitate him. Most Christian know that Jesus is our model and whilst that is not the only reason he came, it was a reason.

Generally what follows is a bizarre display of anger, pity or disappointment that I do not agree with them. Interestingly, I am not concerned that they enjoyed it. I am delighted that some found it a healing story, gave them hope and even understanding. So why does it illicit such a reaction. ONe person offered to pray for me that I would be given revelation! I countered that they should not pray that I have incresed revelation of The Shack maybe they should pray that I have revelation of revelation!

Images-1 One reader asked for more insight into what had taken place at the recent conference that I attended with Bill Johnson. It is difficult to list is all here. The church perhaps held only 500 people. On the last night there were claims of at least 90 incidents of healing. So there are many testimonies that will be recorded from the three days Bill was in town! I am impressed with his humility and desire to give away what God has taught him. This is in contrast with many on the international circuit so I found his style refreshing. I am expectant that as a result there will be an increased hunger and expectation for the miraculous. 

There was a few great stories. One was of a woman who was bent double, who could hardly walk. As God touched her, within minutes she was running up and down the steps. My friend was healed of eczema but these were the tip of the iceberg


John Settatree

Hey Gary,
Thanks for your balanced view on the shack - loads of people have been trying to get me to read it as if it was the Bible part 2 or something!! I find that a little worrying and to be honest it has totally put me off reading it!
Obviously your review hasn't convinced me to!!
Any good novels you could reccomend that you have read recently?

God bless



Gary, I agree! I thought I the only in the world who did NOT enjoy that book (for exactly the same reasons you didn't). Good to hear a voice of reason.

Ugg Classic Mini

I agree with you. Here we realize that our existence would need new strategy, new style. New factors can bring new really feel and new practical experience to us. Just like your weblog, it take me to some new state. It really is so fantastic that I can not leave.

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