Balancing Ability & Calling
Jesus Blood Never Failed Me Yet

Being the bad Guy

Images-2 I am aware that from time to time I say or think  I do not want to be the "bad guy". What I mean by this is that in my role of CEO and as a Dad, I sometimes have to make difficult decisions. Occasionally, I have to hold someone accountable or even discipline them. It's not something I enjoy. I mean who would? No one likes to be the bad guy!

However, one of the realities of leadership is that its not all about glory. People need and expect boundaries. There is something within most of us that from time to time means that we will "push the envelope", see what we can get away with, maybe even play truant from our responsibilities. The role of the leader is to look to restore people who are not operating within the agreed frameworks. If s/he does not then they are playing truant from their role.

I have said before that as disciples we are called to serve. Some however are given the extra responsibility to serve through leadership. Whilst everyone wants to be liked, wants to be popular this is not the primary requirement of the leader. Paul tells the Roman church that leaders should "lead diligently".(Rom 12:8)  Diligence is the act of doing all things efficiently and relentlessly to the best of one's ability in order to achieve success in every endeavour. 

This been the case then occasionally the leader will have to risk popularity in order to fulfil his calling from God. We would do well to remember that leadership carries responsibility. James 3:1 makes it clear that God will judge leaders more harshly than followers. Therefore the leader should take the responsibility seriously and in fear of the Lord.Img_172162_dr.evil

This should also mean the that the leader is constructive, positive and appropriate. It is not about "lording over people" or being nasty. However how ever hard s/he tries, he maybe misunderstood by others. This is the cost of leadership.

So am I prepared to be the bad guy. Well I hope so because I serve God not man, my faith is in Him not them and it should be Him I fear not unpopularity!


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